CRFM Local Radio for Carlisle
Local social media has been abuzz with increasing stress about gifts being removed from Graves in our area.
One top contributor wrote – My husband has gone up to see our son at the Cemetery on Dalston Road to find his 2 Christmas snow globes that were sat on the slab in between the 2 Christmas trees have GONE!!!!
Although no official investigation has begun yet into the incident, the council asks local residents to avoid leaving non-natural items on graves at Carlisle Cemetery for environmental reasons.
The statement from Cumberland Council in October this year also asked mourners to please remove items like vases and decorations, including teddy bears.
Written by: News Team
A national police campaign is underway to help make streets in Cumbria safer. The aim is to try and remove potentially dangerous and harmful blades from the streets with a scheme to dispose of them anonymously and safely with a number of special amnesty bins being provided at local police […]
todayMay 19, 2024 59 2
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